Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Photoshoot with Jezz

out of few hundred pictures, these are the top 5. I am such a rookie.. sigh (-_-)!
but i had a lot of fun with my friends! and Jezz is such a doll too! (^3^)
kisses to all!
how did everybody spend your independence day?

Thursday, August 05, 2010

BCA Prioritas Event

the event was gypsy themed.
i'm not sure how to dress, so I just put on the dress with the biggest sleeves,
and paired it up with my stocking,
and put on hoop earrings
and called myself Mrs. Jack Sparrow -_-
I know, with the very limited resources, (boutiques and having half of my wardobe at Jakarta and all)
I'm very uncreative -_-
oh well. I fit in with the dudes .
cuz most of them dress up as pirates. so what the heck.