Wednesday, October 08, 2008

check this out!!!

i got this from

its hillarious!!

Hair Ties Made Of Condoms - Wonderful!

Filed under: Wacky, Tacky & True


Isn't it annoying when you've stretched your only hair tie to its limits, snapping and sending it flying into someone's eye? And then you're shit out of luck and your hair is in your face all day?

Well what if that happened and you discovered your hair tie was made of a condom?!


Just such hair ties are on sale in some areas of southern China. They are bright and colorful and dirt cheap at 3 cents for a pack of 10.

Whether or not the condoms are factory reject or, even worse, used is unclear. But, consumers have unfurled the ties to discover them made of prophylactics. If they're discarded material found unfit for sale, then that means they're just crappy hair ties.

But if they're recycled used condoms then you could catch something!

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