well for me I see MBA as a back up plan, just in case there's something wrong with Honda, at least I have enough education background to kick start me somewhere else yang seimbang gajinya..
thats one alternative.. ato bisa ambil courses yang bener2 bagus sih..
karena my dad pernah bilang 1 hal yang oka pegang banget :
hidup kita ini diibaratkan seperti sebuah resume. and you have to make sure that everything you do itu menambah plus point ke resume kamu..
what makes you special?
what makes you stands out and valuable than any other people?
so in other words. we're not getting any younger. what have we done to make our life special? what have we done to make ourself a better person?
like MM sez.. what do you want to do with your life?
apakah mau jadi philanthropist?
atau mau focus di bisnis banget?
atau mau jadi stay at home mom?
kita hepinya jadi yang mana gitu?
karena definition of success is doing what you love most and really give 110% at what you're doing (and good at what your doing too yah hehehe)
and inget, kita harus bisa measure, mana yg prioritas? you cant have it all.
ie. kalo km jago di bisnis, pasti kehidupan pribadi kamu bakal kecompensate (just like di devil wears prada : if you're breaking up with your boyfriend, congratulations, here comes promotion!lol )
and vice versa.
makanya orang sering bilang : its all about balance.
for me, if you're busy balancing, well its hard to be really GREAT at one thing.
its quite impossible.
so kita harus bercermin sama diri kita sendiri lagi.
kemampuan kita sampe mana gitu?
wargh da lama ga ketik pake laptop, begitu ketik malah speech. hahahah.
sorry y'all. i just had an epiphany soalnya.
it strikes me like a lightning in a bright sunny day.
and it makes me really aware of what i'm doing.
so better start buying those cute agendas and start filling them up with your plans, and things you can do to beautify your resume! :D
and stick to the plan!
(oka mo ke bank dulu setor duit, hehehe)
thats one alternative.. ato bisa ambil courses yang bener2 bagus sih..
karena my dad pernah bilang 1 hal yang oka pegang banget :
hidup kita ini diibaratkan seperti sebuah resume. and you have to make sure that everything you do itu menambah plus point ke resume kamu..
what makes you special?
what makes you stands out and valuable than any other people?
so in other words. we're not getting any younger. what have we done to make our life special? what have we done to make ourself a better person?
like MM sez.. what do you want to do with your life?
apakah mau jadi philanthropist?
atau mau focus di bisnis banget?
atau mau jadi stay at home mom?
kita hepinya jadi yang mana gitu?
karena definition of success is doing what you love most and really give 110% at what you're doing (and good at what your doing too yah hehehe)
and inget, kita harus bisa measure, mana yg prioritas? you cant have it all.
ie. kalo km jago di bisnis, pasti kehidupan pribadi kamu bakal kecompensate (just like di devil wears prada : if you're breaking up with your boyfriend, congratulations, here comes promotion!lol )
and vice versa.
makanya orang sering bilang : its all about balance.
for me, if you're busy balancing, well its hard to be really GREAT at one thing.
its quite impossible.
so kita harus bercermin sama diri kita sendiri lagi.
kemampuan kita sampe mana gitu?
wargh da lama ga ketik pake laptop, begitu ketik malah speech. hahahah.
sorry y'all. i just had an epiphany soalnya.
it strikes me like a lightning in a bright sunny day.
and it makes me really aware of what i'm doing.
so better start buying those cute agendas and start filling them up with your plans, and things you can do to beautify your resume! :D
and stick to the plan!
(oka mo ke bank dulu setor duit, hehehe)
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