Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Si Grace kemarin chatting sama aku di MSN. We were discussing about Indonesian food and then she asked me the recipe of Rica Rica.. and I says : errr.. ga tauuu.. and then remembered that I have this link saved di my laptop, its called NCC-Indonesia.
its the website for all the Indonesian recipes, makes it really convenient for Indonesian mother living overseas dan lupa sama resep nenek moyang.. heheh...

anyway aku lagi liat2 recipenya, and I found one that I really like, namanya Chocolate Jelly with Baileys Cream.
but from the way I look at it, its more like Bailey's drink with Jelly..
So I'll share the recipes with you guys here. just in case you want to try to make one yourself, and when you do, snap pictures of it and send me the link, i'll post it here :D

so the recipe :
1 bungkus jeli bubuk coklat - aku pake Nutrijel
175 gr gula pasir
650 ml air

250 ml Susu cair plain - aku pake Ultra
3 sachet susu kental manis
3 sdt kopi instan bubuk larutkan dengan sedikit air panas- aku pake Nescafe
150 ml air dingin
Bailey's sesukanya berapa banyak - aku pake 75 ml
es batu secukupnya

Cara bikinnya, gampang kok :
Campur jelly bubuk dengan gula pasir, tambah air, aduk rata kemudian didihkan.
Cetak di loyang/piring/pyrex kotak. Dinginkan
Sambil menunggu jelly nya keras, campur bahan saus jadi satu, aduk rata.
Sesudah jelly keras, potong menjadi kotak kecil2 kira2 0.5cm. Masukkan ke dalam mangkok saji.
Tuangkan saus, tambahkan es batu. Langsung dimakan deh....

As taken from : Puding Week NCC

ahhh the beauty of copy-pasting :)
I'll make one soon and let you know how it turns out okie dokie!!
Meanwhile, I have a 2nd hand online shop developed, since I shop a lot of cute stuffs back then, and really have no time (nor the right place) to wear them. So instead of letting these poor babes inside the closet, I might as well share them for all fashionistas out there with a budget.
Most of them are brand new, or else stated.

Will let you know what the website is soon!

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