Thursday, April 29, 2010

my first Dive!

Yes, I dove. I dive. I dive into Lampung's seas with lots of jellyfishes (or should I say, Spongebob Buddies as my Doctor calls it) swimming loosely around me, as if I'm one of them. Hey you blobbery flobbery things! I know I'm FAT and wobbly, but I AIN'T one of you, fuckers! hahaha.
I had fun though. A lot of fun.

Here's some pics for y'all to see ( I know, I just want to brag about it, I'm so Proud of myself!)

I don't know what to be proud of though. the fact that i can cross one item off my 'Things to do Before I Die' list or the fact that I've survived the jellyfishes. lol. But either way, I'll give a pat on my own back for achieving those 2 things.

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