Tuesday, December 30, 2008


For my Christmas pressies, I got :

Harajuku Lover - Love perfume

the cutest froggie Coach keychain (both from Adel & Ballen, thank you!!! me love you guys! :D)

My friends are the best! :D

About 2009 Resolution:
I find it hard to save up my money. But I must say I am doing better now. From the average of minimum 3 pair of shoes monthly, now I only need to buy a pair per month :D (still spending, but heck, I'm trying my best)
So my 2009 resolutions is to save up enough money for the 'emergency savings', and for the wedding!
thinking about those great photography which costs more than Rp.20.000.000 makes me shiver, but yet I still want it.
(like all the other girls say, a wedding may only last for a day. but the WEDDING PICTURES will still be there for our grandchildrens to see :D so I want to make sure that I look DAMN GOOD on my wedding pictures, something to remember me by when I'm old.)

so guys...

Whats your new year resolutions ?

Meanwhile, I know that I promised to save up at 2009, but I still can window-shopping right? Here are some of the cute stuffs I found online at fredflare & eluxury (they're giving 30% more for the already discounted items! madness!) :

Peace Sign Cake Mold
zac posen-aster tote from $1,750 to $699 (plus another 30% off!)

marc jacobs carter 'carter jr.' rose from $1,195 to $839 (and another 30% off!)

I love you stamp for toasts :D its super cute!

Gin & Titonic Ice molds (isn't it awesome??)

Oh well, enough stuffs for now :D

I can sum 2008 as a very tiring, but most interesting year ever!

Firstly, I get to spend New Year 2008 at Japan with my family :D

I get to travel to Hong Kong & Macau and watch my first strip-tease and live sex show..

I get to be my best friend's bridesmaid (love you sa!)

I get to go to Milan and watch F1 at Monza

I get to celebrate my birthday and my boyfriend's birthday together with everyone I care about :)

I get to buy my mum and my dad their 25th wedding anniversary gifts (something to say 'thank you' for all that they've done for me.. even though they're not perfect, but they're still my parents.. my dad is an excellent mentor and my mum is a great cook :D and she's a perfectionist, even though its sometimes annoying, but I still love her for being one.. hee hee..)

I love 2008!!

love and kisses from us to you all!

Monday, December 29, 2008

big huge clutches!

I've been nagging about big ass clutches to my sister and about how cool they are, but she won't even budge to say anything or any comment about it.
Until thennn.. she said its cool and she wanted one as well
I'm like .. DUHHH...
so anyway, I found this one site from our dear beloved INDONESIA that makes OVERSIZED CLUTCHES!!
its so cute I want 3!!!

get yours from www.akusukatas.com


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bryan Boy


this boy is a genious! :D
he's a true fashionista :D and he's cute too! :D

Friday, December 19, 2008

Stella Zhou

I was browsing flickr and I typed 'handmade necklace charms' because I feel like making myself some necklaces with the charms and trinkets that I have, and I saw this cha-cha style bracelets with TONS of cute trinkets instead!
her name is Stella Zhou, she's originally from Hong Kong, and she's been making this cute jewelries for a long time already. I love the combinations of colors :D (she added a lot of pink .. hmm.. smart lady :D)

Anyway, I am SO INSPIRED by her, I just can't wait to get me some tools so I can start make some for myself. :D
Well maybe at the end i'll purchase her necklace from etsy .. but somehow when i clicked the link on the flickr captions, it didn't work :S sobs...
anyway, love her!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

shop for the cute accessories only!

I have a undeniable love for custom-made accessories,
those one of a kind that is not mass produced..
whether its expensive of cheap. :D
I find it hard to find a good one at Jakarta (or maybe am I not looking hard enough? hmm.. one might wonder..)
but anyway..
I found this shop online based in Singapore..
and oh my they have the BEST trinkets! :D
and I'm going to buy a heck-a-lot stuffs from there through my cousin! hahaha..

( here are some of the stuffs they made, I am so deeply sorry for the blurry pictures, I copy pasted the pictures from the website :D, and plus, I still haven't figured out how to post bigger pictures at my blog :S)


Enjoy (L)

next : I will post pics of my cute findings during my uni-days. I must say my taste for accessories did not changed that much, even though I completely changed my style.
(I used to hate skirts and dresses and stick to jeans, jeans and jeans :D, I'm a jean-a-holic)
and I love how great my accessories collections matches my new dresses! yay!!
happiness :D

My family and I are going to Singapore for the Chinese New Year 2009, I really hope that I can shop before all the stores closed down for the holidays :S

Monday, December 15, 2008

Random Beauties from blogs I read :)

I've just added a new link for you guys to browse. Its Betty's (the beautiful girl above) she have great style and so does her friends! (picture of her friends above) :)
You can browse their links from my bookmarks! Its betty's, Betty's friends and another Betty's friends. 3 links in total :D I tried to browse for the other one, but I can't seem to find it :D

I love beautiful oodlings :D like this one!
Courtesy of the sites mentioned on the right side ( i forgot which one is which :D)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

kastengel recipes

Ring ring ring your bells because Christmas is near!! and it means : TIME TO BAKE COOKIES!!
well personally i love cute shaped cookies, but I've tried a couple of recipes before, and i realized that the best tasting cookies I've ever made was the oddly shaped one .. or shapeless to add :D

so here are the cookies that requires no effort to shape, well all you need to do is just roll them and cut them *and beware, they're not sweet! they're saltehhhh*

Its all cheese baybee...

Kerrie Parmesan


4 kuning telur
100 gr margarin
250 gr mentega asin
100 gr keju parmesan, parut
100 gr keju edam, parut
2 sdm peterseli cincang
1,5 sdt kari bubuk
570 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
2 kuning telur untuk olesan
50 gr keju cheddar parut

Cara membuat:
1. Siapkan loyang datar tanpa dioles. Panaskan oven bersuhu 150°C.
2. Kocok kuning telur, margarin, mentega, parmesan, edam, peterseli, dan bumbu kari hingga pucat saja, dengan kecepatan rendah (jangan terlalu lama mengocok).
3. Masukkan tepung terigu, aduk rata dengan garpu hingga tercampur lalu aduk dengan sendok kayu.
4. Tipiskan adonan setebal 7 mm. Potong dan bentuk sesuai selera, letakkan di atas loyang, olesi dengan kuning telur dan taburi keju cheddar parut.
5. Panggang hingga kuning kecokelatan, angkat. Dinginkan dan simpan dalam wadah kedap udara.

Untuk 1.300 gram

· Memanggang kaastengels harus tepat. Bila terlalu cokelat, kue akan keras sedikit pahit.
· Bila kurang matang, kue ini akan terasa sedikit mentah di tengah dan aroma kejunya tidak keluar sempurna.
· Selalu perhatikan oven pada saat memanggang.

Bahan :
- 200 gr mentega tawar
- 100 gr margarin
- 50 ml whipped cream
- 3 btr kuning telur
- 1 sdt perenyah cookies
- 1 sdt garam
- 1 sdt kaldu ayam bubuk
- 250 gr keju tua (parmesan, edam, gouda) , diparut
- 50 gr susu bubuk full cream
- 450 gr terigu

Bahan olesan :
- 1 kuning telur ayam, kocok
- 1 sdm madu
- 50 gr keju cheddar parut

Cara membuat :
- Kocok mentega, margarin, whipped cream, garam, kaldu ayam bubuk, sampai rata.
- Masukkan kuning telur satu persatu.
- Masukkan tepung & susu, aduk rata.
- Masukkan keju parut, aduk sampai rata.
- Giling adonan setebal 0,8 cm. Oleskan bahan olesan, taburkan keju parut. Potong-potong panjang 5 cm, lebar 0,8 cm.
- Panggang sampai matang pada suhu 160ยบ selama kurang lebih 30 menit.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tokidoki x Hello Kitty

phew! thats all for now. I still have a few to post. . but i gotta go now!
so, tell me which one do you think is the cutest?? : )
i know i'll be cracking my piggy bank later on to buy some of these on ebay!

*picture courtesy of tokidoki-blog.com