Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the Debut of the shoes, and our date

My Mr.Freddy heels, next to my helpless poodle.

Social House with my Munchkin :)

So so so so sorry for the blurry resolutions,
I accidentally switched it to ISO and just start snapping pictures and didn't realized until I've uploaded the pictures at the computer. Everything turned out sooo grainy!! I hate standard pocket camera ..
I still lust for D90, buuuuttttt...
After thinking and meditating on it, I think the best options for me right now is to get a Semi SLR camera (you know, those digital camera with SLR functions?)
I think it suits my pocket more ;)
fits in my bag better too.

1 comment:

Freddy Style said...

waduhhhhhh thx yah uda d promoin d blognya hihhihiihi
keep posting yah^^