Monday, March 02, 2009

my favorite blog...

I am new at blogging, although I do have another one previously during my uni days, Tokidokified Shopaholic, but I hardly update them anymore these days.
My love to fashion blog first started when I saw an article about fashion blog featuring this girl Dianarikasari
I love her style, demure yet funky :D
I click all her featured links religiously, and here, I give you, two of my favorites :


Yes, its all about shoes. I love her! her mum is a designer, so they have this really amazing wardrobe with all kinds of shoes in it.
love her. really love her..
And what I love the most about her is how close she is with her mom. They shop together, and she post a lot of her mom's pictures.. :D
well my mom is no designer.
and she's definitely not a fashionista (by that I mean experimenting with clothes and styles)
all her styles are the same : work chic.
even at parties, she hardly wear those cocktail dresses
she wears pants with a very elegant top, and pair it with her heels and her Louis Vuitton collection, and call it a night. lol.
well one thing that she definitely loves in fashion industry.
Louis Vuitton.
that's probably the only thing we can talk about over and over again without getting bored and without arguments :D hahaha...!
Well I love her no matter what <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
and the other one is rumi neely's
she works in fashion industry with an everlasting lust for gothic boots and heels. I love her collections. Its something that I can never wear (thats for sure, *giggles*) because all the shoes are made for girls with looonggg leeegsss...
but one can dream now can't they?
So I browse her website every night, browsing her style and keep doing all the leg workout, hoping that mine will be as long as her one day. haha.
She's my MUSE!
she's awesome :D

See? Crazy shoes!!
loves it <3>

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