Thursday, April 16, 2009

down with a really bad cold :(

After thinking that I have really good metabolism and boasting about it in front of everyone, an angel up there finally decided to give me a flick and here I am, down with the flu. Not Singapore Flu, gladly. I saw them at the news this morning and its kinda freaky. You get this red dots that resemblances chickenpox. And for those who know me KNOWS that I get freaked out everytime I hear chickenpox. I believe not everyone should get it once in their life.
I believe if you get it, it doesn't mean your immunity level is boosted or something. Its just a thing people says to make the sickies feel better about themselves (well, they're covered in watery pimples which will leave marks if you break 'em! what more can you say??)
There was this one time that my Service Advisor (he's 40 something by the way) caught chickenpox. And my secretary told me that he's only going to take 2 weeks off, and then back to work. For those of you who have experience chickenpox, you know that during the healing process, thats when all those tiny germs get out from your skin and start looking for fresh victims.
So I told my secretary to tell him to not go to the Sales Building no matter what.
poor guy.
but he ought to know, my customers can catch it and then it'll be my ass!
Sorry I tend to blabber when I'm sick.
Anyway, f1 Pictures soon!
gotta get back to work.
*cough cough, snort snort sexily*

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